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1 min read
Shame by Anchal Jain
Why is it so difficult to say the truth, So what if they don't believe me, Why can't I trust myself, when I am the one who experienced...
6 min read
Victim Impact Statement by Jane Doe
good morning, your honor. i wanted to thank you for being here this morning. although you’re here as an impartial party, i appreciate you...
4 min read
Where Change Starts: Helping Those Who Help You
An Interview with Robyn Mazur, Executive Director of Joyful Heart Foundation The Joyful Heart Foundation came to life after actor Mariska...
6 min read
The Session by Curtis Bass
The Session “So, are you ready to tell me about it?” Actually, I wasn’t. I would prefer to never talk about it. But it had come up in our...
4 min read
Dancers Workshop by David e. Moreno
Dancers Workshop When I studied with the experimental dance pioneer Anna Halpirn, she was dancing with a colostomy bag. I was 20; she was...
3 min read
Three Poems by Kira Coleman
Doubts There are nights when I stand under the shower head feeling the hot water expand my hair and wondering if you knew what you were...
1 min read
Girls with Red Flowers by Virginia Barrett
Girls with Red Flowers One cradles a bowl of red flowers, her nipples the same deep rose as the blooms. Tahiti is hot— we women may all...
3 min read
Three Poems by John Ganshaw
Leave All Behind There you stood staring into the mirror thinking you were alone, but you weren’t, I was standing before you, peering...
1 min read
In Silent Shadows by Laura Howard
In Silent Shadows Increasing in intensity Nightmares and Screams because the Instigator will not Let up Enclosing and Never stopping with...
6 min read
My Father's Eyes by Andrea Leeb Balelo
My Father's Eyes “That dress really brings out the color of your eyes,” the sales girl told me as I stepped out of the dressing room. It...
1 min read
Reclaim by Traci Neal
Reclaim This body knows brands where brutality breeds. A process plans to split my legs like mayo marinated on a sandwich. Futile...
1 min read
Three Poems by Persephone Leonard
Eyes I’ve looked into the eyes of evil, Dilated, black pupils, Erasing earth brown, As he shoved the pill, Into my mouth, And held me...
2 min read
House of Shame by Anna Smith
House of Shame A letter to my body: For years you’ve played protector Shielded me from a truth that our twelve-year-old brain couldn’t...
2 min read
Two Poems by Suzanna C. de Baca
I Was Swallowed by a Beam of Light Some say you were a plane, a flare, a mirage. / At first barely visible in the sky /but then your...
2 min read
Inside the Silence: Art by Sonia Gil & Text by Mark Blickley
Inside the Silence Laying naked in this bed on my back, I tilt my head, and I look down with so much pain in my face. This is the third...
2 min read
Three Poems by Elizabeth Gade
An Open Letter To My Fellow Survivors* You are not the house of horrors trauma built inside of you They tried to fit us into cheap hotel...
3 min read
Five Poems by Jean Varda
Photograph of Two Sisters We were like glass and he broke us we were open as water fine as milkweed and he damaged us. I can see it in...
4 min read
The Importance of Addressing Sexual Violence
A Discussion with Simaza Sadek, Director of YWCA Northern New Jersey’s healingSPACE In a recent conversation, Simaza Sadek, who is the...
2 min read
On Writing and Sexual Trauma
by Carolyn Keller, LMSW, DSW Sexual violence can have physical, psychological, and emotional effects on survivors. As the mind works to...
1 min read
Low Pile Fragments
Low Pile Fragments The words are plucking right there at my teeth crowded inside standing nervously like nape hairs that have known Fear...
4 min read
Dissociation You are the master of your own reality. What you see, hear, feel, what you know is all based on what you believe is the...
1 min read
On Becoming a Parade Float
On becoming a parade float What would it feel like to live like he had never touched you? To live like he had never lived at all? To...
1 min read
The Hard Way
The Hard Way You never know people till they die you gingerly page through their privacy Those fresh, fateful photos: mothers in mauve...
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