by Laura Howard
In Silent Shadows

Increasing in intensity
Nightmares and
Screams because the
Instigator will not
Let up
Enclosing and
Never stopping with the
Hurting with their
Abusive mannerisms
Defending themselves as the
Who now threatens my
Safety and security.
Pain and torment over the years
Living like this always in fear.
In silent shadows.
Never knowing what to expect,
Fearing for your life,
Wondering if there is a knife,
Trapped among the silent shadows.
Wanting to tell someone the story,
Not reliving the gore.
Resolving to my silent shadows.
Encouraged to find a way out,
Coming through with a loud shout,
Now able to leave without
The shadow of a doubt.
What we felt was love,
Among the silent shadows,
Was far beyond any love that they have ever known.
Out of the silent shadows into the LIGHT,
They take off and enjoy the FLIGHT,
Oh the joy, oh the delight.
Finally Free, free, free
From the chains that held them
Among the silent shadows.